Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy two millionth birthday to us

If current number-one disease for humans today is hubris things look bad. Our need to show-off-dominantly is a cover for cowardice of the ‘me big: you small: crunch variety!
In contrast, in the display of Nature, with its egalitarian cooperation and clean-air policy, despite all it’s harshness and extremes and violence, nothing is for no reason. In Nature things work out more intelligently. It’s been in the game of improving-conditions for longer than humans! Nature is, bottom line, a sustainable way of doing things. Erm, humans are not that way inclined! And how!!
Nature has devised a system, call it the mind of God or the way of the devas, anything you like, but the system seems to work … but then humans come along and try to improve things. Happy birthday. The human is celebrating its two millionth birthday today and we are announcing that WE are taking over from Nature today. But in doing so (we’re now looking back on us from the future) we can see we were hoisted on our own petard. Our attempt to twist the truth and sell misinformation might have drowned innate knowledge were it not for the new-age consciousness movement making us aware of such things as sovereignty and intuition. It was never the stuff they taught you in school. The innate knowledge that parents have about upbringing of kids, or the ability to smell rain when its coming or the subtle ways to harmonise our surroundings, all that is intuitive and innate and it’s probably the stuff we bring across with us … from wherever we come from.
The really complex interactions between me and other people or between me and my environment, aren’t learnt in school. We bring the essential knowledge across from whoknowswhere, from instinct, upbringing, genes, previous incarnations, it doesn’t matter where because where doesn’t matter. What matters is that we use it, to its fullest. It’s brilliantly supplemented by human learning (we can’t help putting our brains to use) but there are rules and when the rules aren’t respected we fall into the mess we call “today’s world”. Our cleverness is never meant to take over from Nature – learning, specialising, genius, it’s all very useful but only as one of many more hum drum devices, for opening up the greater attributes in us.
Most people are idiots. I don’t mean to be rude. But hubris makes us idiots. You still love idiots, you still can love everyone, but there’s only so much time to be wasted in complying with idiots’ wishes. The present human is exploitative and hubristic. Nature’s way of dealing with this double disease is to hit us over the head repeatedly, until we see sense. We haven’t yet begun to respond to nature’s clobberings, well the idiots haven’t anyway. Nature, by ever-so-slightly clobbering us, lets her devas whisper into our brains –“you are too big for your boots”. Nature bestows conscience on humans, in the form of a bunch of pesky little voices always hammering at our ears. We try to abandon them. We try to rely on two million years of learning. We downgrade Nature. We abandon the better side of our own nature. We numb the intuitive inner self.

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