Saturday, January 16, 2010

This way to the level playing fields

If we aren’t sure about our direction in life we can imagine another place, another dimension, where people rather like us are doing things a little differently. They consult with conscience about basic things, every day things. Theirs would be a more subjective civilisation, doing ‘good’ all over the place … ugh, it’s already sounding sickly sweet, so I’ll try again. These imaginary people, may or may not exist in the face of extreme Earth-bound cynicism. And yet, as emissaries they tell us things we ought to know, not of the ‘goody-two-shoes variety but of extreme common sense. We perhaps don’t see the point of imagining devas and idealistic people when we’re up against so many problems. But it’s a chance we can’t afford not to take. Maybe I’d plead a case for conscience.
If there are any possibilities for humans in the future I think they lie here, in restoring the balance between being too clever and being too heart driven. The conscience, the guiding devas, in various forms, are taken more seriously in some so called ‘less developed’ countries. We in the West have forgone conscience in order to get ahead, so that we’re ‘first worlders’. And by way of all our damage and exploitation we’re in a mess BUT we’ve arrived here with at least a fuller consciousness of what we’ve done. We’re super aware of the horror and super aware of our potential to be constructive. We don’t see ourselves as automaton driven by supernatural forces but as self guiding entities working in the knowledge of what IS human. By becoming acquainted with our potentials for destruction and creation we’re on the brink of starting again. This time there’s enough awareness to strike a better balance between the genius of intellect and the guidance of conscience. We could, in theory, turn things around so we are all pointing in the same direction and all being as egalitarian as possible.
Impossible? Not really when conscience is elevated to it’s rightful position, no longer squished and trodden down by ‘the march of progress’. Our collective conscience is the disembodied organ that give our species a clearness of direction. On an individual level it’s where each of us want to be, but we’d like YOU to be there too, to hold my hand. I choose to hold hands with my ‘friends’ who live on our shoulders.
The ‘little people’, in order to keep us honest, in order to keep us on our toes, in order to help us manage our lives, encourage us to ‘give and take’. They suggest that the stuff we put in makes things work better. Having things working smoothly because they’re well lubricated by us (‘we’ being merely the oil cans). Smooth running is always better than operating grudgingly. And it’s even better if we can ‘put in’ without expecting any reward at all. If that sounds way too unrealistic or idealistic then it means we aren’t quite convinced about our rewards and yet ‘putting in’ is an essential first step to getting anywhere.
The fact is, we’re ruled by the laws of physics – apart from sun and rain we can’t expect anything else simply to fall from the sky. We don’t get ‘owt for nowt’. If we need to be reminded how these rules work we only need to consult with our ‘devas’. In other words we’d be doing ourselves a favour by acknowledging them because, if anything, they always tell us the unvarnished truth. They represent our wonderful potential but also point out the ‘strings attached’. They level the playing field so that the interests of all are taken into consideration.

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